One Glass Productions now proudly announces that our NYC 48-Hour film project entry, "Questicus Horrificus" was selected to advance into a national level of competition: Visa's "Life Takes" Invitational! We will have to make another video, and then we're being flown out to San Francisco (free!) for the screening in late September. We're both very excited. Thanks to everyone who helped out! Ethan Gould, Sonia Maksimovich, Andrew Breton, Matt Schoch, Chris Kelly, Don Badaczewksi and Mariclare Lawson: We couldn't have done it without you!
If you are unfamiliar with the 48-Hour competition, we were given a genre, character, prop, a line of dialog and asked to create a film within 48 hours. We received: Horror, a writer named Tetley Fairfax, Conference Badge and "If you must know, my father told me."
Here is our film:
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