Tuesday, June 2, 2009

We did it! After negligible amounts of sleep, we emerged from this year's 48 Hour Film Project with excruciating migraines, inexplicable bruises, and our best 48-Hour submission yet!

In THE BACK ROOM, Benjamin Grimes' first day at his new job goes horribly awry.

Our genre this year was Fantasy, and the required elements were "keys," "a professional organizer" and the line of dialog "You're not going to believe what I just heard."

Come out and see our film (and other team's submissions) THIS SATURDAY!

Saturday, June 6th @ 6:15pm
NYU's Cantor Film Center
36 East 8 Street, NYC 10003

Tickets: $10, and good for a free drink afterwards.
Buy tickets in advance. (be sure to select the Saturday - 6:15pm screening, our film will not be screened at any other time)

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