Friday, January 30, 2015

Starting the New Year off with a POP!

It's easy to become a little cynical this time of year.   In between the festivities (or even during them) there's a lot of stress!  When you're running around trying to find the right gifts, planning travel or hosting travelers, all while wrapping things up for the year, it can be difficult to find the time for a little bit of fun.

 The other day as we were shooting a slow-motion segment for a spot for one of our clients, we decided to make time for fun.  As Stephanie said that day,

"The fun things are the important things."

So we brainstormed about what we could make that utilized what we had in the office to make a short, fun video.

The result is a quick video that plays with slow-motion and time remapping to send out to our friends and followers. And so without any further ado, here it is!


 It's on our website but it's pretty obvious in this video, too: We love what we do.

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